Opium Licensing in Afghanistan: Its Desirability and Feasibility
27 September 2007
Vanda Felbab-Brown, "Opium Licensing in Afghanistan: Its Desirability and Feasibility", Brookings Institution Policy Paper, Number 1 (August 2007).

The licensing of opium for medical purposes in Afghanistan, most prominently advocated by the Senlis Council, would reduce some of the negative effects of unmitigated illicit drug production. It would also eliminate several important negative side-effects of standard counternarcotics...
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New U.N. Report Highlights Widespread Corruption, Insecurity
27 September 2007
In a new report to the Security Council, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has called for an overhaul of the Afghan justice system, citing widespread corruption and 'direct involvement in criminal activities.' Weak governance is eroding public confidence and undermining the legitimacy of the government, the report states. The report is also critical of the Afghan police, stating that "respect for authority and elementary discipline have...
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International Security Assistance Force Mandate Extended
27 September 2007
The United Nations Security Council has extended the mandate (S/RES/1386, S/RES/1510) of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to October 2008. Adopted by the Council on September 19, Resolution 1776 calls on U.N. members to "contribute personnel, equipment and other resources to ISAF." For a list of recent U.N. Security Council resolutions and Secretary-General's reports to the Security Council, please visit...
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