Archives for 06 October 2009

UK Government "Refused Troops Request"

'', The Press Association, 6 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Gordon Brown has become embroiled in a bitter row with the former head of the Army over claims that he turned down pleas for more troops in Afghanistan. Downing Street denied General Sir Richard Dannatt's suggestion that the Prime Minister blocked an increase. The Premier's spokesman said: 'Any suggestion that...

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The Impact Of Counter-Terrorism Objectives On Democratization And Statebuilding In Afghanistan

Brendan Whitty & Hamish Nixon, '', Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Volume 5, No.1: 187-218 / One World Trust, 5 October 2009

EXCERPT: "This essay explores how the democratization and statebuilding objectives in Afghanistan were affected by the invasion of 2001 and the counter-terrorism objectives adopted by the United States. It outlines...

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US Aid Often Misses Targets In Afghanistan

US 'US Aid Often Misses Targets In Afghanistan', San Francisco Chronicle, 6 October 2009

EXCERPT: "When built in 2004, the agricultural storage facility in Nangarhar province was supposed to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. The U.S. government paid for its construction along with several other so-called 'market centers' that would enable farmers to store crops and boost exports to nearby Pakistan. But construction...

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The "Soldier-Diplomat" In Afghanistan And Iraq

'', Fundaci?n para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Di?logo Exterior, 5 October 2009

EXCERPT: "The US and UK Armed Forces have learned the painful lessons of their limited engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq in the aftermath of the invasion of both countries and are now prepared to assume wide-ranging humanitarian and reconstruction tasks....

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