Archives for 05 June 2009

The Next Twelve Months In Afghanistan And Pakistan

Centernas 'Triage: The Next Twelve Months In Afghanistan And Pakistan', Center for a New American Security, 5 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The United States and its allies are in the eighth year of a war in Afghanistan that has no end in sight. Making matters worse, the security situation in Pakistan?always a safe haven for the insurgents against whom the United States and its allies have fought?has also declined precipitously. The strategic consequences...

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British Army Deaths In Afghanistan Overtake Iraq

UK 'Army Deaths In Afghanistan Overtake Iraq Toll As Blast Kills Soldier', Times Online, 5 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The number of British lives lost to enemy fire in Afghanistan has overtaken the military death toll during the six-year campaign in Iraq. Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, 19, became the 137th serviceman to die from hostile fire in Afghanistan, while deaths from enemy action in Iraq, where Britain ended its combat operations last...

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US Troop Buildup Is In Full Force

US 'US Troop Buildup In Afghanistan Is In Full Force', Los Angeles Times, 5 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Most of the 17,000 combat troops ordered here by President Obama will be in place by mid-July -- nearly all of them fanning out across southern Afghanistan, the heartland of the Taliban insurgency. The south is also home to punishing terrain and climate conditions, a harsh desert landscape where sandstorms howl and summertime temperatures...

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Use of IEDs Increased By 80 Percent

'', The Associated Press, 5 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Insurgent use of roadside bombs in Afghanistan has surged 80 percent this year, remaining the No. 1 killer of foreign troops, a NATO official said Thursday. The increase since the same period last year includes bombs that detonated or were found by troops before they could explode, said Canadian Brig. Gen. Richard Blanchette, a spokesman...

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