Archives for 08 February 2008

French Troops to Join Canadians in Fighting the Taliban in Kandahar

Frenchflag'French Troops to Join Canadians in Fighting the Taliban in Kandahar', Times Online, 8 February 2008

EXCERPT: "President Nicolas Sarkozy rode to the rescue of beleaguered Nato forces in southern Afghanistan today when he offered to deploy French troops alongside Canadians in Kandahar. The French President has been the most forthcoming of Nato leaders in answering the urgent call for more troops for the southern provinces in Afghanistan...

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Canada Looks to 2011 Afghanistan Combat Mission End Date

'', Agence France Presse, 8 February 2008

EXCERPT: "The government of Canada put forth a motion Friday to keep its 2,500 troops in Afghanistan to fight insurgents and train the Afghan military until at least the end of 2011. However, the plan is dependent on NATO sending 1,000 additional troops to team up with the Canadians in volatile Kandahar province -- the birthplace of the...

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Germany Defends Refusal to Enter Taliban Stronghold

Germanflag'Germany Defends Refusal to Enter Taliban Stronghold', Spiegel Online, 8 February 2008

EXCERPT: "German officials on Friday defended their refusal to send combat troops to more violent southern Afghanistan, which has been plagued by a Taliban insurgency. France, meanwhile, is meeting with Canadian officials to discuss a plan to send French troops to support operations in Kandahar. Officials at Germany's Foreign Ministry on Friday...

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European Council on Foreign Relations Factsheet: NATO: A two-tier alliance?

Daniel Korski, '', European Council on Foreign Relations, 8 February 2008

EXCERPT: "U.S Defence Secretary Robert M. Gates has issued a warning that NATO is becoming a ?two-tier alliance?, with some allies willing to fight and die while others, predominately continental Europeans, remain combat-shy. The big issue is NATO's mission in Afghanistan, which, while at some 40,000 troops is struggling to contain...

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"Canada Would Like Its Allies to Show More Flexibility"

Canadaflag'Interview with Ottawa's Ambassador to Afghanistan: "Canada Would Like Its Allies to Show More Flexibility"', Spiegel Online, 6 February 2008

EXCERPT:"Canada's troops in Aghanistan are on the front line. David Sproule, Canada's ambassador in Kabul, talks to SPIEGEL ONLINE about the dangerous fight against the Taliban and the debate over Germany's deployment."

To continue reading the interview, click here.


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