Archives for 04 February 2009

Child Servitude, Marriage Resemble Modern-Day Slavery

Afghanistan 'Child Servitude, Marriage Resemble Modern-Day Slavery', IRIN News, 4 February 2009

EXCERPT: "In Afghanistan, particularly in poor rural communities, child slavery and debt bondage practices are growing, but are often disguised as marriage, labour or family affairs not requiring state intervention. Extreme poverty, lack of awareness about child rights, weak law enforcement and strong conservative traditions are among the problems...

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Russia Says It Wants To Help US In Afghanistan

'', The Associated Press, 4 February 2009

EXCERPT: "President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday that Russia and its ex-Soviet allies want to help the United States stabilize Afghanistan, saying Moscow wanted 'full-fledged' cooperation with Washington. He spoke a day after the ex-Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan announced it would evict the U.S. from an air base key to the Afghan...

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Afghanistan Says Foreign Fighters Coming From Iraq

'', International Herald Tribune, 4 February 2009

EXCERPT: "With the reduction of violence in Iraq, foreign militants were now flooding into Afghanistan to join Taliban insurgents battling Afghan and international troops, the Afghan defence minister said on Wednesday. There was a 33 percent rise in insurgent attacks in Afghanistan in 2008, according to NATO-led forces. Violence...

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Progress Toward Security And Stability In Afghanistan

'', United States Department of Defense, 2 February 2009

EXCERPT: "The security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated in several areas of the country since the last report. The spring and summer of 2008 saw the highest levels of violence since the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) began their involvement...

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