Archives for 21 May 2009

Karzai Maneuvers While Constitutional Term Ends

Afghanistan 'Karzai Maneuvers Secure Grip Ahead Of Election Campaign', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "Weeks before the start of the formal three-month campaign for Afghanistan's August 20 presidential vote, incumbent Hamid Karzai is using his political savvy to stymie domestic political opposition and convince the international community that he remains an indispensible ally. Just months ago, Karzai's political...

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Millions Went To Failed UK Aid Projects: Report

UK 'Public Millions Fail To Provide Wells, Schools And Clinics In Afghanistan', Times Online, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "Millions of pounds in taxpayers? money has been wasted on failed projects in Afghanistan, according to an internal assessment by the Department for International Development (DFID). It said that security risks, particularly in the south of the country, hampered the ability of the DFID to plan, execute and judge the...

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US Troops Seize 16.5 Tons Of Drugs

'', The Associated Press, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "American and Afghan forces seized 16.5 tons (15 metric tons) of drugs and killed 34 militants during a three-day operation against a key insurgent stronghold in southern Afghanistan, a U.S. military statement said Thursday. The seizure was one of the biggest by foreign troops in Afghanistan since 2001 and an indication of a nexus between...

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Afghan Detainees Denied Rights In Canadian Courts

Canada'Supreme Court Refuses Detainee Appeal', The Globe and Mail, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "The Supreme Court today refused to consider an appeal from rights groups seeking constitutional protection for Afghan detainees held by Canadian troops who may be transferred to torture. The decision effectively ends the legal effort to protect prisoners captured on foreign battlefields under the Canadian charter of rights. The rights groups had...

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