15 March 2010
, The Canadian Press, 15 March 2010
EXCERPT: "The Afghan National Army began delivering medical aid and hygiene seminars to remote villages Monday as another means of fighting Taliban influence. Members of the 205 'Hero' Corps helped facilitate and guard clinics at three locations in Zabul province, east of Kandahar - a program that is being closely...
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Tribal Rivalries Bedevil A US Plan
15 March 2010
, The New York Times, 11 March 2010
EXCERPT: "Six weeks ago, elders of the Shinwari tribe, which dominates a large area in southeastern Afghanistan, pledged that they would set aside internal differences to focus on fighting the Taliban. This week, that commitment seemed less important as two Shinwari subtribes took up arms to fight each other over an ancient land dispute, leaving at...
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Taliban Hits Kandahar with Five Explosions, 35 Killed
15 March 2010
Explosions Rock Kandahar, 35 Killed, The Hindu, 14 March 2010
EXCERPT: "A series of five explosions and gunfire killed at least 35 people, including police forces in southern city of Kandahar, an Interior Ministry spokesman said Sunday. The Taliban called the attacks a reaction to the NATO commander's warning about an imminent military offensive in the region. Several insurgents equipped with suicide vests and assault rifles targeted...
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Future Unclear for Widely-Praised Afghan Militias
15 March 2010
Future Unclear for Widely-Praised Afghan Militias, Stars and Stripes, 13 March 2010
EXCERPT: "From village shopkeepers to district elders to U.S. Army company commanders, nearly everyone agrees: The shabbily dressed, occasionally uniformed men with Kalashnikovs manning checkpoints throughout Wardak province's populated mountain valleys aren?t just part of the solution to improved security in this perilous corner of Afghanistan...
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