Chinese Arms Cost American Lives
11 July 2008
Richard D. Fisher, Jr., '', Far Eastern Economic Review / International Assessment and Strategy Center, July 2008
EXCERPT: "For over a year, U.S. officials have been complaining to their Chinese counterparts about the shipment of Chinese-made or Chinese coproduced weapons to Iraqi insurgents and to the Taliban in Afghanistan, largely via Iran. The requests to stop the flow of arms into the hands of...
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11 July 2008
Muhammad Tahir, 'Fueling The Taliban: Poppies, Guns And Insurgents', Global Terrorism Analysis / The Jamestown Foundation, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan has rarely been absent recently from the international press, but developments in the country have once more brought it to the world's attention. According to tallies based on military statements, June was the second month in a row in which casualties of foreign troops in Afghanistan...
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India Joins US, Afghanistan In Opposing Pacts With Terrorists
11 July 2008
'', The Frontier Post, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: "India Wednesday joined Afghanistan and the United States in opposing recent peace agreements between the government of Pakistan and elders from the tribal region, providing sanctuaries to Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists. 'We can?t succeed if we send mixed signals through bargains for temporary and local peace while the rest of us...
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11 July 2008
'NATO Base In Afghanistan Gets Major Expansion', National Public Radio, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: " Iraq's government is taking a hard line with Washington over how long and under what conditions U.S. troops can remain in the country, but in Afghanistan, officials seem to have accepted the indefinite presence of more than 70,000 foreign troops on their soil. It has been more than six years since the remnants the Taliban regime fought a "last...
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British Soldiers Injured By "Friendly Fire" In Afghanistan
11 July 2008
'', Agence France Presse, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: "A British helicopter mistakenly opened fire on a group of British soldiers in Afghanistan, injuring nine of them, including three seriously, the defence ministry in London has said. The soldiers were on a routine patrol in the restive southern province of Helmand at around midday local time on Wednesday when they came...
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Petraeus Wins Confirmation For New Post
11 July 2008
'', The New York Times, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: "The Senate on Thursday confirmed Gen. David H. Petraeus of the United States Army as commanding officer of the Central Command, the military headquarters responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan, among other areas of operation. The Senate also approved the nomination of Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno to replace General Petraeus as the top military commander...
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Concern Over Afghan Civilian Death Toll
11 July 2008
'Concern Over Afghan Civilian Death Toll', BBC News, 11 July 2008
EXCERPT: "An Afghan parliamentary investigation has found that a US airstrike on Sunday [6 July 2008] in the eastern province of Nangarhar killed 47 civilians. Regional officials said the casualties were attending a wedding party and that the bride had been killed. The US military has said it has launched an investigation into the incident. On Monday [7 July 2008], more...
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