Archives for 09 November 2007

Military-first Approach to Security 'Counterproductive'

World Policy Journal Carl Robichaud, '', World Policy Journal, Summer 2007.

EXCERPT: "Virtually every major decision taken during the early years of the U.S.-led intervention in Afghanistan?from the choice to extensively co-opt warlords into counterinsurgency and government roles, to the criteria and methods by which development assistance was deployed, to the mode of engagement with ?were driven by the exigencies...

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Karzai's New Reconciliation Effort Faces Scrutiny

LA Times Henry Chu, Afghanistan pushes reconciliation effort, Los Angeles Times, 9 November 2007.

"After nearly two years of increased bloodshed, Afghan President Hamid Karzai is reaching out to Taliban militants, who have been waging battle against his government, in a renewed push for a political settlement to a conflict that increasingly seems unwinnable militarily, analysts and diplomats say.

Speaking of the need for national reconciliation,...

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Fighting the Taliban: Pakistan at War with Itself

Australian Journal of International Affairs Ashok K. Behuria, 'Fighting the Taliban: Pakistan at War with Itself,' Australian Journal of International Affairs, Volume 61, Issue 4 December 2007 , pages 529 - 543.

"Some new groups calling themselves Pakistani Taliban with links to the Afghan Taliban have asserted themselves in the tribal areas of Pakistan. This has complicated the internal security scenario for Pakistan. This article traces the roots of the problem and argues...

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