Winning the Invisible War: An Agricultural Pilot Plan for Afghanistan
13 February 2008
'', National Defense University, January 2008
EXCERPT: "When this paper was undertaken in the summer of 2007, one of its purposes was to sound the alarm over Afghanistan and the critical need for comprehensive action across all sectors of society to prevent that country from becoming a failed state. The second purpose was to lay out the major areas that needed immediate...
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Afghanistan - Decision Point 2008
13 February 2008
'Afghanistan - Decision Point 2008', Senlis Council, 13 February 2008
EXCERPT: "2008 is a pivotal year in the development of the Afghan state: the situation has reached a classic decision point. The Taliban are entrenched in the South, running parallel governments in several districts and controlling the majority of secondary roads. The extent of the challenges facing the country was brought into sharp focus by the bombing of...
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Senior British Diplomat: 'Defeat' a Real Possibility in Afghanistan
13 February 2008
'Senior British Diplomat: 'Defeat' a Real Possibility in Afghanistan', Voice of America News, 13 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Senior British diplomat Paddy Ashdown says defeat is a real possibility in Afghanistan, unless NATO changes its strategy. In an article published Wednesday in Britain's Financial Times, Ashdown notes the upsurge in Taliban-related violence and says public support for the Afghan mission is waning among NATO countries....
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Australia Is Unable to Boost Afghanistan Force, Fitzgibbon Says
13 February 2008
'Australia Is Unable to Boost Afghanistan Force, Fitzgibbon Says', Bloomberg, 13 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Australia's forces are stretched to the limit and the country is unable to contribute more soldiers to help NATO troops fight the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan."We are already doing more than our fair share,'' Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said today in an interview in the capital, Canberra. "We really don't have...
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Clock Running on NATO's Stretched Afghan Operation - Analysis
13 February 2008
Luke Baker, 'Clock Running on NATO's Stretched Afghan Operation', Reuters, 13 February 2008
EXCERPT: "When three top U.S. officials flew to Europe recently to drum up more backing from NATO allies for the troubled Afghan campaign, the only solid offer was of 200 extra German troops in the quieter north of the country. At a time of growing concern about NATO's ability to keep the resurgent Taliban at bay, Europe's relucance to help...
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