Archives for 19 July 2010

Kabul Faces Severe Water Crisis

Afghanistan Kabul Faces Severe Water Crisis, The Guardian, 19 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Kabul and its surrounding region are perilously short of water and may not be able to supply a fast-growing, more affluent population, a joint US and Afghan government scientific report has warned. Rapid population growth and expected temperature rises due to climate change mean the area ? which just manages to support 6 million people today ? will need six times more...

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NATO Not Winning Afghan Hearts and Minds: Poll

, Reuters, 19 July 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO is failing to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan, according to a poll released on Friday showing most people in Taliban heartlands view foreign troops negatively and believe the Taliban should join the government. However, 55 percent of Afghans surveyed by the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS) thinktank believed NATO and the Afghan...

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Afghan Conference Eyes 2014 Security Handover: Report

, AFP, 19 July 2010

EXCERPT: "International powers fighting in Afghanistan will agree next week to hand over control of security in the country to Afghan forces by 2014, a British newspaper Sunday. A leaked communique circulated ahead of Tuesday's meeting of donor nations in Kabul will set out a phased transition beginning this year, according to the Independent on Sunday....

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Britain to Boost Afghan Aid by 40%

UK Britain to Boost Afghan Aid by 40%, The Guardian, 19 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The government is to announce a 40% increase in aid funding to Afghanistan amid warnings it should not use development money for military ends. Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary, will increase aid from ?500m to ?700m over the next four years to help Afghanistan stabilise. Mitchell is to redirect funding from projects in other parts of the...

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