Archives for 15 September 2010

Record Level of US Airstrikes Hit Afghan Militants

, The Associated Press, 15 September 2010 

EXCERPT: "Drone aircraft unleashed a missile attack in a lawless tribal region on the Afghan border Wednesday, keeping up the most intense period of U.S. strikes in Pakistan since they began in 2004, intelligence officials said. The stepped-up campaign that included Wednesday's strike is focused on a small area of farming villages and mountainous,...

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Election Violence Fears Lead UN to Evacuate Third of Staff

Afghanistan Flag Afghanistan Election Violence Fears Lead UN to Evacuate Third of Staff, The Guardian, 15 September 2010

EXCERPT: "The UN has evacuated about a third of its permanent international workforce from Afghanistan amid fears that this weekend's parliamentary elections will be marred by violence and fraud. The exodus of roughly 300 staff deemed non-essential to preparations for Saturday's poll is ongoing, with most staff expected...

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Doubling of SOF Night Raids Backfired in Kandahar

USDoubling of SOF Night Raids Backfired in Kandahar, Inter Press Service, 15 September 2010

EXCERPT: "During a round of media interviews last month, Gen. David Petraeus released totals for the alleged results of nearly 3,000 'night raids' by Special Operations Forces (SOF) units over the 90 days from May through July: 365 'insurgent leaders', 1,355 Taliban 'rank and file' fighters captured, and 1,031 killed. Those...

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Study Finds Growing EU Skepticism of Afghanistan War

EUStudy Finds Growing EU Skepticism of Afghanistan War, Spiegel Online, 15 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Back when President George W. Bush was in the White House, it seemed as though Americans and Europeans couldn't agree on much of anything. A new survey shows that, when it comes to the world's hotspots, not much has changed under Barack Obama. In his celebrated 2003 treatise on the divergent post-Cold War paths taken by Europe and the United...

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