Afghanistan "Unable to Pay for Troops for 15 Years"
08 December 2009
Afghanistan "Unable to Pay for Troops for 15 Years", BBC News, 8 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has warned that it will take 15 years before the country is able to pay for the cost of its own security forces. After talks with visiting US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, Mr Karzai said he hoped the US and the international community would continue funding them. At a joint news conference...
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Afghanistan: The Results of the Strategic Review, Part I and II
08 December 2009
Afghanistan: The Results of the Strategic Review, Part I and II, United States House of Representatives - House Armed Services Committee, 3 and 8 December 2009
EXCERPT: "'Today, the House Armed Services Committee meets to receive testimony on Afghanistan: Results of the Strategic Review. Our witnesses today are: the Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense; Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Honorable...
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The National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 2007/8: A Profile of Afghanistan
08 December 2009
, Central Statistics Organization - Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 7 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is facing fundamental economic and social change. To measure progress in social and economic development, as well as in poverty reduction, it is imperative that the Government of Afghanistan has access to information on the social and economic...
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Bandits, Borderlands and Opium Wars
08 December 2009
Jonathan Goodhand, , Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), 7 December 2009
EXCERPT: "The drugs economy has been an important part of the story of borderland transformation in Afghanistan. Because of drugs, borderlands are no longer marginal, but have become a resource to be exploited by the centre of the fragile state. This Working Paper explores...
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