Archives for 04 June 2009

G8 Seeks Iran Help On Afghanistan

Iran 'G8 Seeks Iran Help On Afghanistan', PressTV, 4 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The Group of Eight (G8) industrialized countries have formally invited Iran to participate in a ministerial level meeting on Afghanistan. 'Iran is invited to the conference, yes,' said Italy's special envoy for Afghanistan Sergio Mercuri whose country currently holds the G8 presidency. The two-day conference aims to promote peace and stability in...

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Conflict Builds Up With Obama Over Afghanistan

Germany 'Conflict Builds Up With Obama Over Afghanistan', IPS, 4 June 2009

EXCERPT: "When U.S. President Barack Obama visits Germany this Thursday and Friday, he is likely to get a reception as warm as the demonstration of sympathy he enjoyed in July last year. And yet, Obama's high standing among Germans is likely to fall if he asks the German government to send more military personnel to Afghanistan. In July 2007, hundreds of...

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Faulted US Firm Gets Afghan Aid Work

US 'Faulted US Firm Gets Afghan Aid Work', USA Today, 3 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The Obama administration's plan to boost aid to Afghanistan is shaping up as a boon to private contractors, including a company whose previous work on U.S.-funded Afghan aid programs has been criticized by auditors. Despite Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's call to reduce the reliance on foreign aid contractors, the main U.S. aid agency...

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Canada's Fourth Quarterly Report On Afghanistan

Canada 'Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan, Report to Parliament, March 2009', Government of Canada, 3 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Minister of International Trade, Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan, today released the Government of Canada's fourth quarterly report on Canada's engagement in Afghanistan. In particular, the report for the quarter ending March 31, 2009, outlines progress...

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