Archives for 30 July 2008

Attacks Hit WFP School Feeding Programme In South

Un 'Attacks Hit WFP School Feeding Programme In South', IRIN News, 30 July 2008

EXCERPT: "The UN World Food Programme's (WFP's) food-for-education programme has been adversely affected by recent attacks on aid convoys: Some 300,000 primary school children, mostly in southern provinces, have not received vegetable oil and fortified biscuits over the past four months. The aim of the food-for-education programme is to promote education and...

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Disciplinary Charges Soar Since The Push Into Afghanistan

Canada 'Disciplinary Charges Soar Since The Push Into Afghanistan', CBC News, 30 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Military charges against Canadian Forces members have risen dramatically in the years since Canada sent troops to Afghanistan, a CBC investigation has found. In fact, the charges have risen by as much as 62 per cent over an eight-year period. All military forces face discipline and morale issues resulting from soldiers serving in war zones ?...

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Insurgent Activities Increase In Afghanistan: NATO

NATO 'Insurgent Activities Increase In Afghanistan: NATO', Thaindian News, 30 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Militants fighting Afghan and international forces in Afghanistan have increased their activities, spokesman of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said Wednesday. 'There has been an increase in insurgents? activities in south and east Afghanistan over the past two months or so,' Mike Finney told a joint press conference...

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CIA Outlines Pakistan Links With Militants

'', New York Times, 30 July 2008

EXCERPT: "A top Central Intelligence Agency official traveled secretly to Islamabad this month to confront Pakistan's most senior officials with new information about ties between the country's powerful spy service and militants operating in Pakistan's tribal areas, according to American military and intelligence officials. The C.I.A. emissary presented evidence...

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