Archives for 19 March 2009

Militant Groups In Bajaur Tribal Agency

Pakistan 'A Profile Of Militant Groups In Bajaur Tribal Agency', The Jamestown Foundation, 19 March 2009

EXCERPT: "Bajaur is an important hub for the Taliban and other militants. It is centrally located in regard to access routes to sensitive spots in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. The volatile Swat district is located east of Bajaur while Mohmand tribal agency lies to the south. Bajaur has easy access to Afghanistan's Kunar and Nuristan...

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Conflict Analysis: Farza And Kalakan Districts

'e', Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU), 19 March 2009

EXCERPT: "This report is a conflict analysis of two districts in rural Kabul, Farza and Kalakan in the Shomali plain, and uses various sources of data to discuss the trends and implications of local conflict. The main data set was provided by the records of Co-operation for Peace and Unity's (CPAU) Peace Councils...

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Afghan Women Turn To Immolation

Afghanistan 'Afghan Women Who Turn To Immolation', BBC News, 19 March 2009

EXCERPT: "Self-immolation among women has the highest recorded levels in Herat province (although many other provinces provide no data on the subject). Most of the women are in their teens or early 20s and are recently or soon-to-be married. Experts suggest that a combination of poverty, illiteracy, domestic violence and lack of freedoms continue to drive this decades-old...

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British DM Blasts NATO Over Force

UK 'British DM Blasts NATO Over Force', Reuters, 19 March 2009

EXCERPT: "British Defense Secretary John Hutton on Thursday blasted NATO's inability to fully fund a rapid response force of 25,000 troops, and said the alliance needed a 'radical transformation' to adapt to new threats. Failure to provide adequate resources for the NATO Response Force amounted to 'a standing indictment' of NATO, but a rapid deployment...

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