Archives for 04 June 2010

Alarming Levels of School-Age Drug Addiction in Afghanistan

UN From Crib to Classroom: Alarming Levels of School-Age Drug Addiction in Afghanistan, ReliefWeb / UNAMA, 2 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Today, an international delegation spearheaded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) completed a critical three-day mission assessing the situation of drug-dependence amongst Afghan school-age children. UNODC was joined by the World Health WHO, Johns Hopkins University, the US Bureau of International...

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US: Insurgents "Degraded" in Eastern Afghanistan, Not Defeated

US US: Insurgents "Degraded" in Eastern Afghanistan, Not Defeated, VOA News, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The commander of coalition forces in eastern Afghanistan said Thursday that his troops have 'degraded' the capabilities of insurgents in the region during the past year. But he added that they can still regenerate their forces and carry out attacks. U.S. Army Major General Curtis Scaparrotti said a joint military and civilian effort is beginning...

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Corrupt Afghan Police Blamed for Locals Joining the Taliban

, The Independent, 4 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Corruption and the abuse of power among Afghan police have alienated local people and driven some to join the Taliban, British commanders returning from Helmand have warned. Senior officers stressed that the police force was being urgently reformed and that new members were winning the trust of residents in areas recently recaptured from...

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Taliban Commander in Kandahar Dead: NATO

, The National Post, 4 June 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO said on Friday that troops had killed the Taliban's top commander for Kandahar city during a gunbattle with insurgents armed with machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades. NATO identified him as Mullah Zergay, called him 'the top Taliban commander for the Kandahar city area' and accused him of being responsible for multiple deaths in...

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