Archives for 30 April 2009

Afghan Police Face Critical Tasks

Afghanistan 'Afghan Police Face Critical Tasks', Online International News Network, 29 April 2009

EXCERPT: "Army Brig. Gen. Anne F. Macdonald, Assistant Commander for Police development in Kabul said that Afghan police force faces various challenges in the country. 'We can help, but ultimately it is going to be up to Afghan security forces - most notably the police - to make the difference,' she said. She indicates that there is...

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Exclusionary Humanitarian Aid Practices Hitting Balkh

Afghanistan 'Exclusionary Humanitarian Aid Practices Hitting Hearts and Minds', EurasiaNet, 30 April 2009

EXCERPT: "During a recent interview, the governor of Balkh - Atta Mohammad - repeatedly expressed frustration with the international approach to Afghanistan. His chief complaint: Despite totally eradicating poppy cultivation in 2007, his province is being ignored by the international aid community. Atta expressed pride in achieving...

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More Australian Troops For Afghan Mission

Australia 'More Australian Troops For Afghan Mission', The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 April 2009

EXCERPT: "Kevin Rudd has expanded Australia's military commitment in Afghanistan and put his stamp on a war that he says is becoming increasingly unpopular. About 450 extra personnel will be deployed, including 100 more soldiers to mentor the Afghan army and 120 personnel who will be deployed for eight months to provide security for the...

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Concerns Over Using Clinics As Polling Stations: ICRC

ICRC 'Afghanistan: Using Clinics As Polling Stations "Not A Good Idea": ICRC', IRIN News, 30 April 2009

EXCERPT: "The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has expressed concern over the use of health facilities for voter registration or as polling stations in Afghanistan's upcoming presidential elections, saying this could jeopardise the security of health workers and put patients at risk. Whilst there is...

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