Afghan Central Bank Disputes Kabul Bank's Losses
01 February 2011
, The New York Times, 31 January 2011
EXCERPT: "The Afghan Central Bank on Monday sharply disputed accounts by The New York Times and several other publications that Afghanistan's largest bank had hundreds of millions of dollars more in losses than previously publicized. In a statement and a news conference it said that Kabul Bank, the country's largest, 'had a bright future.' 'Kabul Bank...
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Taliban Signal Willingness to Explore Peace Talks
01 February 2011
Afghan Taliban Members Seek Guarantees for Peace Talks, BBC News, 1 February 2011
EXCERPT: "Taliban commanders in Afghanistan have told the BBC that they are willing to explore peace talks. They say they will do so if they can have more solid guarantees about their own future and safety. The Afghan government and its foreign allies say they are making contact with members of the Taliban - but no formal talks are under way. In...
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Taliban Abduct Afghan Tribal Elders in Kunar
01 February 2011
, AFP, 1 February 2011
EXCERPT: "Taliban militants kidnapped 21 tribal elders in Afghanistan close to the Pakistani border whose relatives apparently work for the Afghan government and NATO, an official said Monday. The incident happened eight days ago in Marawara, in the eastern province of Kunar, which borders Pakistan's lawless tribal district where Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked...
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Afghan Drug War to Be Won with Crops, not Jails: Judge
01 February 2011
, AFP, 1 February 2011
EXCERPT: "NATO's military might will never win the war against Afghanistan's heroin trade alone, an Afghan judge said, urging the alliance to put more energy into weaning farmers off opium poppy crops. Afghanistan's primary court of counter narcotics in Kabul has handled more than 2,000 cases in the past four years, said Hayatullah Ahadyar, one of...
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Civilian Casualties of War 2010: Afghanistan Rights Monitor Report
01 February 2011
, Afghanistan Rights Monitor, 1 February 2011
EXCERPT: "Armed violence in Afghanistan exceeded record levels in 2010 leaving catastrophic impacts on civilian Afghan communities, read an Afghanistan Rights Monitor (ARM) annual report on civilian casualties of war in 2010 released today. From 1 January to 31 December 2010, at least 2,421 civilian Afghans were killed and over 3,270 were injured in...
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