Archives for 07 January 2009

Afghan Air Force Will Equip With 19 More Airplanes

Afghanistan 'Afghan Air Force Will Equip With 19 More Airplanes', Trend News, 7 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghan air force transportation problem will decrease by receiving 19 airplanes from Italy. General Zaheer Azimi, spokesman for Afghan defense ministry, said that Afghan defense ministry would receive 19 airplanes made by US and Italy jointly. According to him, 50% of Afghan air force transportation will be solved after getting these...

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Surging Towards Stalemate

'', Asia Times Online, 7 January 2009

EXCERPT: "The United States will soon double the number of its troops in Afghanistan from about 30,000 to 60,000, and several other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries will also up their troop levels. The move comes with little surprise and considerable bipartisan support in the US, but with little public discussion of the aims and likely outcomes....

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New Details At Hearing For Canadian Soldier Accused Of Murder

Canada 'New Details At Hearing For Canadian Soldier Accused Of Murder', CTV News, 7 January 2009

EXCERPT: "A Canadian army captain accused of shooting and killing a severely-wounded insurgent after a deadly battle in Afghanistan could be released from a military prison on Wednesday. Although both prosecution and defence lawyers agreed that Capt. Robert Semrau isn't considered a flight risk and should not be held in custody, judge...

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Detainees Seeking Right For Release

US '', The Associated Press, 7 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Four men being held as terror suspects at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan are asking a federal judge for the right to sue for their release ? a right already given to detainees at Guantanamo Bay. A hearing Wednesday will test whether a 2008 Supreme Court decision ? allowing al-Qaida and Taliban suspects at the U.S. naval base in Cuba to...

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