Canadian Party Leaders Feud Over Afghanistan Mission
02 October 2008
'', AFP, 2 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday he supports Afghan President Hamid Karzai's attempts at reconciliation with the Taliban. But he found himself in the crossfire of skeptical rivals in a televised political debate. As Harper's political rivals attacked him and exchanged barbs on the issue, Harper also reaffirmed his intentions to withdraw...
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Afghanistan's Solution Primarily Political, Not Military, General Says
02 October 2008
'Afghanistan's Solution Primarily Political, Not Military, General Says', Media Newswire, 2 October 2008
EXCERPT: "The war against radical Islamists operating in Afghanistan will be won, despite the challenges, the senior U.S. military officer posted there said today. 'I am more convinced than ever that the insurgency will not win in Afghanistan,' Army Gen. David D. McKiernan, commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force...
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Leaked Report Links Pakistan To Taliban
02 October 2008
'Leaked Report Links Pakistan To Taliban', The New Zealand Herald, 2 October 2008
EXCERPT: " A report marked confidential and bearing the official seal of Spain's Defence Ministry charges that Pakistan's spy service was helping arm Taleban insurgents in 2005 for assassination plots against the Afghan Government. The report, which was obtained by Cadena Ser radio and posted on its website yesterday, also says Pakistan's...
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NATO Forces To Target Drug Lords Who Finance Taliban
02 October 2008
'NATO Forces To Target Drug Lords Who Finance Taliban', The Age, 2 October 2008
EXCERPT: "NATO forces in Afghanistan will step up attacks on drug lords and narcotics traffickers who are supporting a Taliban insurgency that has rebounded in the past year, according to the top US commander in Afghanistan. General David McKiernan also warned on Wednesday that US forces can't copy a central element of military success in Iraq ? recruiting...
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