Archives for 20 August 2009

The Death Of Baitullah Mahsud: A View From Afghanistan

JamestownFoundation 'The Death Of Baitullah Mahsud: A View From Afghanistan', The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 20 August 2009

EXCERPT: "Officials in Afghanistan see the killing of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mahsud as a great victory for his opponents and say his death may result in the breakup of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) organization. The loss of the TTP leader comes as Pakistani jet fighters and helicopter gunships...

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Afghanistan Vote Count Begins Amid Violence

Afghanistan flag 'Afghanistan Vote Count Begins After Election Day Of Sporadic Violence', The Guardian, 20 August 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghan officials began the formidable task of counting millions of votes cast in the presidential election today amid signs that, in some parts of the south at least, turnout may have been low because of the threat of violence. Voting was extended by an hour to allow more people to cast ballots in the race pitting the...

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Govts Place Restrictions On NATO Forces

NATO flag 'European Governments Place Restrictions On NATO Forces In Afghanistan', VOA News, 20 August 2009

EXCERPT: "International forces under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are continuing to fight Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan. But NATO field commanders are hindered by certain restrictions placed on troops by European governments. NATO has more than 60,000 troops in Afghanistan as part of a United Nations mandated...

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Afghanistan Public Opinion Survey: July 16-26, 2009

'', The International Republican Institute, 14 August 2009

    EXCERPT: "The International Republican Institute (IRI) released its survey of Afghanistan public opinion. The poll was conducted July 16-26, 2009. IRI has conducted surveys in Afghanistan since 2003. The goal of the research program is to gauge Afghan public opinion and to use the information in support of Afghanistan's...

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