Afghan Refugees In Pakistan During The 1980s
08 July 2008
'UNHCR Afghanistan At A Glance - June 2008', United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, June 2008
EXCERPT: "The majority of the IDPs in Afghanistan returned spontaneously and some 98,838 families (489,507 individuals) were assisted by UNHCR from 2002 to February 2008 on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Government of Afghanistan, UNAMA and UNHCR giving UNHCR a lead support role in relation to...
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Latest UN Report on Afghanistan Summarizes June Donor Conference Commitments
08 July 2008
'Special Report Of The UN SG Pursuant To UN SC resolution 1806 (2008) on the UN Assistance Mission In Afghanistan (S/2008/434)', United Nations Security Council, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Helping the people of Afghanistan to rebuild the strife-torn nation and improve their daily lives will require strengthening the United Nations mission there in a number of key areas, including increased staffing and possible structural changes, Secretary-General...
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Iraq Emerging As Key Route In Global Drugs Trade
08 July 2008
'Iraq Emerging As Key Route In Global Drugs Trade', The News, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "War-torn Iraq is emerging as a key conduit in the global drugs trade, as criminal gangs exploit its porous border with Iran to channel their illicit goods to the Middle East, Africa and Europe. The Iraqi authorities say that since the 2003 US-led invasion the trade in illegal opiates, cannabis and synthetic pharmaceuticals has risen steadily, and that...
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Afghan Officials Accuse Pakistan Of Indian Embassy Attack
08 July 2008
'', AFP, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghan officials accused Pakistan Tuesday of being behind a suicide blast at the Indian embassy that left 41 people dead, saying the attack had the hallmarks of its intelligence agency. Monday's car bomb ripped into the embassy compound in the capital, killing two Indian diplomats and two Indian guards as well as nearly three dozen Afghans. Nearly...
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UN Envoy Denounces Hidden Abuse Of Afghan Boys
08 July 2008
'UN Envoy Denounces Hidden Abuse Of Afghan Boys', Reuters, 7 July 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan must do more to end an age-old practice of young boys being kept as sex slaves by wealthy and powerful patrons, the U.N. special representative for children and armed conflict said on Monday. Radhika Coomaraswamy said the practice, called 'bacha bazi' -- literally 'boy play' -- was a taboo subject, but she had heard reports of warlords and military...
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Militancy, Drug To Put Regional Stability At Stake
08 July 2008
'', China View, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "A glance to the ongoing Taliban-led militancy and the increasing poppy cultivation in Afghanistan illustrates the bleak feature of its impact on the region. Emerged as a fighting force in Afghanistan's southern Kandahar province in 1994 and ousted from power by a U.S.-led military invasion in late 2001, remnants of the radical hierarchy have...
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36 Percent Support Keeping Troops In Afghanistan Through 2011: Poll
08 July 2008
'36 Percent Support Keeping Troops In Afghanistan Through 2011: Poll', CBC, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "An online poll done last week suggests that only 36 percent of Canadians agree with the decision to extend Canada's military mission in Afghanistan through 2011, a Vancouver-based polling firm says. That is down from 41 percent in a similar poll done in May, Angus Reid Strategies said in a statement issued Monday [7 July 2008]. Parliament...
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Pakistan's Deal With The Devil
08 July 2008
'Pakistan's Deal With The Devil', Salon, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "The situation changed overnight in Peshawar. The villas in the posh suburb of Hayatabad, hidden behind acacias, palms and oleander bushes, are now directly on the front line. The Pakistani security forces have declared war on the Muslim fundamentalists who are said to have taken up positions in the immediate vicinity. Eight armored vehicles belonging to the Pakistani Frontier...
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US Aircraft Carrier Moves Into Position For Afghanistan
08 July 2008
'US Aircraft Carrier Moves Into Position For Afghanistan', CNN International, 8 July 2008
EXCERPT: "The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has moved from the Persian Gulf into the Gulf of Oman so its warplanes can fly missions over Afghanistan, where attacks have been rising, the U.S. military said Tuesday [8 July 2008]. The carrier was ordered to move so it could conduct potential airstrikes over Afghanistan by flying over Pakistani...
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