Archives for 06 August 2008

Some Afghan MPs Back Taliban, Drugs Trade: Official

Afghanistan_2'Some Afghan MPs Back Taliban, Drugs Trade: Official', Reuters, 6 August 2008

EXCERPT: "A senior Afghan intelligence official has accused a number of parliamentarians of supporting Taliban insurgents, Afghan newspapers said on Wednesday [August 6]. Afghan and foreign troops are struggling to contain the growing Taliban insurgency while President Hamid Karzai's government is also coming under increasing international pressure to rein in...

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Afghanistan Accusing Pakistan Of Aiding Insurgents

'', The Associated Press, 6 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's spy agency alleged Wednesday [6 August] that a Pakistani consulate official directed and funded terrorist activities carried out by a Taliban commander. The allegation will likely further strain the acrimonious relations between the region's two key U.S. allies. Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security said in a...

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Afghanistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan

'', The Brookings Institution, 4 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Almost seven years after a U.S.-led invasion toppled the Taliban regime, Afghanistan is still far from stable. A resurgent Taliban and rampant drug trade are among numerous problems facing Hamid Karzai's government. NATO-led attempts at establishing security and development have suffered...

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South Asia Human Rights Index 2008 - Afghanistan

'', Asian Centre for Human Rights, 5 August 2008

EXCERPT: "Ruled by President Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan once again has not been included in the ranking of the SAARC Human Rights Violators Index 2008. Afghanistan remains a country in transition, its security is ensured by international forces and it is yet to develop the edifice of the State structure. However, human rights violations remain grim even...

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