UK to Pay Afghans to Ditch Opium
10 November 2007
Patrick Wintour, 'UK's new Afghanistan plan: pay farmers to ditch opium', The Guardian, 10 November 2007.
EXCERPT: "Gordon Brown is planning a radical scheme to subsidise farmers in Afghanistan to persuade them to stop producing heroin, as part of a wide-ranging drive to re-energise policy in the conflict the prime minister now regards as the front line in the fight against terrorism.
The Foreign Office minister Lord Malloch-Brown...
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2007 Deadliest Year for U.S. in Afghanistan
10 November 2007
'2007 Deadliest year for U.S. in Afghanistan', MSNBC/Associated Press, 10 November 2007
Six U.S. troops were killed when insurgents ambushed their foot patrol in the high mountains of eastern Afghanistan, officials said Saturday. The attack, the most lethal against American forces this year, made this year the deadliest for U.S. troops in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion [...] The six deaths brings the number of ...
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