Two Polls Show US Public Unease Over Afghanistan
07 October 2009
'Two Polls Show Unease Over Afghanistan Among American Public', Los Angeles Times, 7 October 2009
EXCERPT: "As President Obama continues to wrestle with what to do about sending more troops to Afghanistan, two new polls show the American public is unhappy about the choices. The latest Associated Press-GfK poll shows that public support for the war, now 8 years old, is at 40%, down from 44% in July. Almost seven out of 10 people...
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Cash Vouchers For 10,000 Families In Kabul
07 October 2009
'Cash Vouchers For 10,000 Families In Kabul', IRIN News, 7 October 2009
EXCERPT: " The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has distributed cash vouchers to 10,000 vulnerable households in Kabul. Between September 2009 and February 2010, each selected family will receive a cash voucher of US$30 a month to buy food or other items of their choice from 20 identified retailers. The retailers can cash the vouchers at local banks. Most...
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UN Data Show Discrepancies In Afghan Vote
07 October 2009
'', The Washington Post, 7 October 2009
EXCERPT: "Voter turnout data kept confidential by the United Nations' chief envoy in Kabul after Afghanistan's disputed August presidential election show that in some provinces the official vote count exceeded the estimated number of voters by 100,000 or more, providing further indication that the contest was marred by fraud. In southern...
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NATO Urges Russia To Help Equip, Train Afghan Forces
07 October 2009
'NATO Urges Russia To Help Equip, Train Afghan Forces', Bloomberg, 7 October 2009
EXCERPT: "NATO urged Russia to consider sending equipment and offering training for Afghanistan's army, to help the alliance hand over more of the war to local forces. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen used the eighth anniversary of the U.S. attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan to float ideas for greater support from Russia, which...
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