Archives for 12 March 2010

NATO "Covered Up" Botched Night Raid

NATO NATO "Covered Up" Botched Night Raid in Afghanistan That Killed Five, Times Online, 12 March 2010

EXCERPT: "A night raid carried out by US and Afghan gunmen led to the deaths of two pregnant women, a teenage girl and two local officials in an atrocity which Nato then tried to cover up, survivors have told The Times. The operation on Friday, February 12, was a botched pre-dawn assault on a policeman's home a few miles...

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Program Aims to Rebuild Afghan Police Force

, The Washington Post, 12 March 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. and Afghan officials are beginning a major overhaul of the Afghan police with the goal of cleaning up a force whose recent history of corruption has undermined confidence in the Kabul government and fueled the insurgency. The program, which will probably include sending thousands of officers abroad for training, is designed...

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Canada Hoped Afghan Army Would Take Over Prisoner Watch in 2006

, The Canadian Press / Winnipeg Free Press, 11 March 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO allies lobbied Afghan's president for a separate legal framework to handle prisoners captured around Kandahar in late 2006 but those efforts 'went nowhere,' say internal memos. The records outline an early strategy of the Canadian government as it faced pressure from the International...

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2009 Human Rights Report: Afghanistan

US 2009 Human Rights Report: Afghanistan, United States Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 11 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is an Islamic republic; population estimates range from 24 to 33 million. In August citizens voted in their second presidential and first-ever contested election; after his challenger withdrew from a run-off election, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) declared Hamid Karzai president...

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