Archives for 18 October 2007

Pentagon Spending $2.5 Billion to Revamp Afghan Police

Dod David Rohde, '', International Herald Tribune, 18 October 2007.

"Military officials in the United States are carrying out a sweeping $2.5 billion overhaul of Afghanistan's police force that will include retraining all 72,000 members and embedding 2,350 U.S. and European advisers in police stations across the country. The effort represents a vast expansion of the current U.S. program and...

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Majority of Afghans Want NATO Troops to Stay: Poll

Alan Freeman, 'Poll shows Afghans want NATO troops to stay', The Globe and Mail, 18 October 2007

"A strong majority of Afghans approve of the presence of NATO-led troops in their country, including from Canada, and want the foreign soldiers to remain to fight the Taliban and support reconstruction efforts. In a [pdf] of Afghans conducted by Environics Research on behalf of The Globe and Mail, the CBC and La Presse,...

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