Pentagon Spending $2.5 Billion to Revamp Afghan Police
18 October 2007
David Rohde, '', International Herald Tribune, 18 October 2007.
"Military officials in the United States are carrying out a sweeping $2.5 billion overhaul of Afghanistan's police force that will include retraining all 72,000 members and embedding 2,350 U.S. and European advisers in police stations across the country. The effort represents a vast expansion of the current U.S. program and...
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Majority of Afghans Want NATO Troops to Stay: Poll
18 October 2007
Alan Freeman, 'Poll shows Afghans want NATO troops to stay', The Globe and Mail, 18 October 2007
"A strong majority of Afghans approve of the presence of NATO-led troops in their country, including from Canada, and want the foreign soldiers to remain to fight the Taliban and support reconstruction efforts. In a [pdf] of Afghans conducted by Environics Research on behalf of The Globe and Mail, the CBC and La Presse,...
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