Archives for 15 September 2009

Winning In Afghanistan: How The US Will Win Or Lose The War

Anthony H. Cordesman, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 15 September 2009

EXCERPT: "No strategy for Afghanistan can be successful unless it answers the most basic question of going to war: can we win? The answer is yes, provided that victory is defined in realistic and practical terms. With the proper US leadership, it is still possible to create an Afghanistan...

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Recounts Due At 10% Of Afghan Polling Stations

'', AFP, 15 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Ballots from about 10 percent of Afghan polling stations will be recounted because of fraud concerns, officials said Tuesday, increasing fears of protracted turmoil after controversial elections. It could take weeks to complete the process, a senior vote official said, signalling deeper political limbo as Western troops battle to fend off...

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Conflict Assessment Afghanistan

AFSC Corinna Vigier, 'Conflict Assessment Afghanistan', American Friends Service Committee, February 2009

EXCERPT: "The following document is the result of a conflict assessment that was conducted as part of a strategic planning process for the American Friends' Service Committee (AFSC)'s program in the Middle East region. This paper gives an introduction to the various conflicts on the international, national and local levels...

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The Levin "Plan": A Wrong Approach In Afghanistan

Anthony H. Cordesman, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 12 September 2009

EXCERPT: "The United States and its allies face critical challenges in Afghanistan. Most of these are self-inflicted by eight years of failing to properly resource the war. The U.S. failed to come to grips with the realities of Afghanistan and the reasons why the Taliban have re-emerged...

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