New British Army Chief Pledges Afghanistan Focus
28 August 2009
'New British Army Chief Pledges Afghanistan Focus', Reuters UK, 28 August 2009
EXCERPT: "The country's new army chief General David Richards took command on Friday, pledging to focus on the conflict in Afghanistan where 9,000 British soldiers are on duty. Richards takes over as chief of the general staff from General Richard Dannatt following the bloodiest month for the British military since the 1980s Falklands War after...
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Accusations Of Vote Fraud Multiply
28 August 2009
'', The Washington Post, 28 August 2009
EXCERPT: "One week after Afghanistan's presidential election, with the winner still undeclared, increasing accusations of fraud and voter coercion threaten to undermine the validity of the results, deepen dangerous regional divisions and hamper the Obama administration's goals in this volatile country. With U.S. popular support for...
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ISAF Commander's Counterinsurgency Guidance
28 August 2009
'', International Security Assistance Force / North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 26 August 2009
EXCERPT: "The ISAF commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, issued his counterinsurgency guidance to his forces here Aug. 26th, which provides direction to ISAF conducting counterinsurgency and stability operations in Afghanistan. 'Protecting the people is the mission,' said McChrystal,...
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Turkey To Double Military Presence
28 August 2009
'Turkey To Increase Military Presence In Afghanistan', Bloomberg, 28 August 2009
EXCERPT: "Turkey pledged to double its contribution to peacekeeping in Afghanistan, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said. The reinforcements will bring the Turkish force to 1,600 troops from 795 and will arrive when Turkey takes over control of the rotating command of NATO operations in the Afghan capital Kabul in November, Davutoglu said...
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