Archives for 15 June 2010

Setbacks Cloud US Plans to Get Out of Afghanistan

, The New York Times, 15 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Six months after President Obama decided to send more forces to Afghanistan, the halting progress in the war has crystallized longstanding tensions within the government over the viability of his plan to turn around the country and begin pulling out by July 2011. Within the administration, the troubles in clearing out the Taliban from a second-tier...

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New Watchlist Report on Protecting Children Affected by Armed Conflict

, Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict, 14 June 2010

EXCERPT: "In 2009, at least 346 children were killed in aerial strikes and search-and-raid operations by international special forces as well as by assassinations and suicide bombings by anti-government elements. In addition, landmines, explosive remnants of war and other explosives have killed or severely...

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Minerals in Afghanistan Worth $1 Trillion: US

Afghanistan  Minerals in Afghanistan Worth $1 Trillion, US Says, CNN, 15 June 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. military officials and geologists have determined that the mineral deposits in Afghanistan are worth nearly $1 trillion, the Pentagon said Monday. Vast supplies of minerals such as iron, copper and gold, all with worldwide technological applications, are scattered over the country, according to the Defense Department. But officials caution...

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UN: Wars Slow Refugee Returns to Record Low

, The Associated Press, 15 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Entrenched conflicts in Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries prevented a record number of refugees from returning home last year, the U.N. refugee agency said Tuesday. Only an estimated 251,500 refugees went home in 2009 ? the lowest number since 1990, the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said in its annual report. The...

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