Karzai Objects To Direct US Talks With Taliban
20 April 2009
'Karzai Objects To Direct US Talks With Taliban', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 20 April 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has said U.S. efforts to tame the growing Taliban insurgency through negotiations would fail unless his government agreed to such talks. The Obama administration has announced it will send more troops and economic assistance to Afghanistan as well as intensify diplomacy within the region...
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From AfPak To PakAf
20 April 2009
Daniel Markey, '', Council on Foreign Relations, 20 April 2009
EXCERPT: "President Barack Obama publicly unveiled his administration's so-called AfPak (Afghanistan-Pakistan) strategy on March 27, 2009. Over the subsequent weeks, the White House has also briefed relevant congressional leaders and committees, the media, NATO allies, and other regional and in-ternational...
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Paris Declaration Not Enough To Achieve Aid Effectiveness
20 April 2009
Rebecca Roberts, 'Reflections on the Paris Declaration and Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 20 April 2009
EXCERPT: "This paper discusses the limitations of the Paris Declaration and the challenges of applying the Declaration's principles for aid effectiveness in Afghanistan. It maintains that, although the principles of ownership, alignment, harmonisation, managing for results and...
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Afghanistan To Boost Police By 15,000: Minister
20 April 2009
'', AFP, 19 April 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan will increase its 82,000-strong police force by 15,000 officers ahead of the country's presidential election in August, a government minister said Sunday. Interior Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar told a news briefing that the increase had been agreed upon by the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Body (JCMB), a multilateral forum grouping...
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