In Afghanistan, Education Under Attack
22 December 2008
Helene Gayle, '', Washington Post, 22 December 2008
EXCERPT: "Few things symbolize progress in the fight against poverty better than the face of an educated girl. And I was fortunate enough to see hundreds of them during a trip to Afghanistan in 2006. Those faces, eager and alert, lit up the courtyard of a new school built to educate 1,000 girls in central Afghanistan's Bamian province. Gone...
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US Military Eyes Alarming Spike In Attacks On Key Supply Convoys
22 December 2008
'', US News & World Report, 22 December 2008
EXCERPT: "As the Pentagon prepares to nearly double the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan next year, the urgent question now occupying planners is just how the U.S. military is going to get its soldiers the food and fuel they need in the face of increasingly devastating attacks on supply convoys. Right now, roughly...
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NATO To Engage Afghan Tribes In Taliban Fight
22 December 2008
'NATO To Engage Afghan Tribes In Taliban Fight', Reuters, 22 December 2008
EXCERPT: "While U.S. forces prepare to send up to 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, behind the scenes Afghan government officials are working to engage tribal elders as a way of undermining the growing influence of Taliban insurgents. Engaging with leaders in rural areas of Afghanistan is part of a new NATO and U.S. strategy in Afghanistan; to promote...
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Closing Opium Poppy Fields In Balkh And Its Consequences
22 December 2008
'', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 22 December 2008
EXCERPT: "In 2007, many pointed to the example of Balkh Province, where the reported area of opium poppy fell from 7200 hectares (ha) in 2005-06 to zero in 2006-07. Drawing on these area statistics, international agencies have claimed that incentives, and improvements in security...
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