Archives for 14 December 2007

Dutch Provincial Reconstruction Team Profiled

Afs Sebastiaan J. H. Rietjens, 'Managing Civil-Military Cooperation: Experiences from the Dutch Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan', Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 34, No. 2, 173-207 (2008)

ABSTRACT: "From a management perspective, this article presents a process model to analyze cooperation between military and civilian actors in peace support operations. By means of multiple case study research, the article applies the model...

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New Australian Government Reaffirms Afghanistan Commitment

Australia Jane Hutcheon, 'Aust to 'stay the course' in Afghanistan', ABC News, 14 December 2007

"Australia's new Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon has reaffirmed Australia's troop commitment in Afghanistan at talks in Edinburgh between eight countries. Mr Fitzgibbon said Australia, as one of the forces in southern Afghanistan, would be making a significant contribution to a strategic plan for the war-torn nation, a plan which could be agreed to...

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