Archives for 10 June 2008

More Investment Will Bring Security to Afghanistan

CFR Mahmoud Saikal, 'More Investment Will Bring Security to Afghanistan', Council on Foreign Relations, 9 June 2008

EXCERPT: "When Hamid Karzai greets donors in Paris on June 12, the Afghan president will officially unveil Afghanistan's first national development strategy. A focal point of the package is its price tag?$50 billion?a hefty sum for a country with a tenuous record managing its own redevelopment effort. But Mahmoud Saikal, Afghanistan's...

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Security Council Report: Update Report on Afghanistan (Number 2)

'', Security Council Report, 9 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Council members are negotiating a draft resolution on Afghanistan which focuses on the trafficking of chemical precursors of heroin. The draft prepared by France was first circulated to members on 3 June. Experts have met twice, on 4 June and 9 June. France is pushing for adoption of the resolution ahead of the 12 June international conference on...

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"Taliban Sanctuary in Pakistan Must Be Eliminated"

Asia SocietyAhmed Rashid, '"Taliban Sanctuary in Pakistan Must Be Eliminated"', Asia Society, 3 June 2008

EXCERPT: "The Asia Society hosted Ahmed Rashid, a leading expert on Central Asian politics and the Taliban, for the New York launch of his latest book Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia (Viking, 2008). Rashid was joined by Afghanistan expert Barnett R. Rubin,...

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Afghanistan Needs Another 10 Years Before Flying Solo: Karzai

'', Agence France Presse, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan needs at least a decade to be able to handle its own security, President Hamid Karzai said Monday on a visit to peacekeeping troop contributor The Netherlands. 'Afghanistan ... will have a much better administration by 2010,' he told journalists after talks with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende in The Hague....

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Dam Restoration As Signature Afghan Development Project: Canada

'', The Canadian Press, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "The Conservative government plans to make the refurbishment and expansion of a dam bordering a sapphire-coloured lake in northern Kandahar the jewel of Canada's development effort in the war-torn region, The Canadian Press has learned. Roughly $120 million is expected to be poured into the Dahla dam, in northern Arghandab...

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Bulgaria To Boost Troops In Afghanistan

Bulgaria 'Bulgaria To Boost Troops In Afghanistan', Reuters, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Bulgaria will increase its troops in Afghanistan by 70 soldiers, boosting its deployment in the NATO-led forces to 340, the government decided on Tuesday [10 June 2008]. The new NATO member will send 50 more soldiers to its 220-strong contingent that guards the airport of the southern Afghan town of Kandahar and 20 more to join 50 soldiers in the capital Kabul,...

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EU, US Leaders Commit Themselves To Pushing For Peace

'', China View, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "The European Union (EU) and U.S. leaders Tuesday made joint commitments to push for peace and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq. 'We share a long-term commitment toward the stabilization and development of Afghanistan,' said a draft declaration issued at the EU-U.S. summit. They promised to enhance cooperation on assisting...

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Prince Andrew Visits Troops In Afghanistan

'', Agence France Presse, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Fourth-in-line to the throne Prince Andrew visited troops in Afghanistan last weekend, as the number of British military personnel to die there reached 100, the royal household said Tuesday [10 June 2008]. The Duke of York, a former Royal Navy helicopter pilot who saw active service in the Falklands War in 1982, toured military bases, met soldiers...

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Building an Effective State -- Priorities for Public Administration Reform in Afghanistan

'', ReliefWeb / The World Bank, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Building an effective state - that can provide security and services to the people, while protecting their rights - has always been at the heart of the reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. A lot has been achieved over the past five years. Most importantly, the economy has grown strongly...

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Australian Training Unit Heading For Afghanistan

Australia 'Australian Training Unit Heading For Afghanistan', The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 June 2008

EXCERPT: "Australia's new training unit heads into Afghanistan in October to undertake a job which will carry considerable risk, defence force head Angus Houston says. The Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) - known colloquially as an omelette - is still preparing for the task of training up an Afghan National Army (ANA) battalion of...

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