Archives for 30 October 2008

Afghan Famine Poses Greater Risk Than Taliban

Afghanistan 'Afghan Famine Poses Greater Risk Than Taliban', Al Arabiya, 30 October 2008

EXCERPT: "A looming famine in Afghanistan poses a greater threat to international efforts to rebuild the country than the ongoing insurgency there, a leading defense think-tank warned Friday. According to the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a combination of factors -- from rising global food prices to a summer drought -- have created the conditions...

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Polish Troops Take Charge Of Ghazni

Poland 'Polish Troops Take Charge Of Tough Afghan Province', AlertNet, 30 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Polish troops took command of security in the Afghan province of Ghazni on Thursday, a volatile area just two hour's drive southwest of Kabul where Taliban militants are gaining influence. About 1,600 Polish troops have now taken control of Ghazni, freeing up U.S. forces to take on Taliban militants elsewhere in the eastern sector...

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Pakistani Tribesmen Fire At Suspected US Drone

'', China View, 30 October 2008

EXCERPT: "Local tribesmen in northwestern Pakistan's tribal region on Thursday opened fire at the suspected U.S. drones, and forced them return back to Afghanistan, local television reported. The U.S. drones made flights in different parts of North Waziristan tribal agency, and the tribesmen targeted drones with heavy...

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Insurgents Increasingly Employing Complex Attacks

Afghanistan 'Insurgents Increasingly Employing Complex Attacks', The Christian Science Monitor, 30 October 2008

EXCERPT: "A suicide bomber detonated explosives inside a government ministry Thursday, killing at least five and injuring dozens. The attack is the latest in a series this year showing insurgents' ability to penetrate the capital using complicated and daring methods. 'Security in the capital is decreasing day by day,'...

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