Archives for 23 September 2010

This Year, Contractor Deaths Exceed Military Ones in Iraq and Afghanistan

PropublicaThis Year, Contractor Deaths Exceed Military Ones in Iraq and Afghanistan, ProPublica, 23 September 2010

EXCERPT: "More private contractors than soldiers were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent months, the first time in history that corporate casualties have outweighed military losses on America's battlefields. More than 250 civilians working under U.S. contracts died in the war zones between January and June 2010, according...

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Afghans Fighting in Covert Force Funded by CIA

USAfghans Fighting in Covert Force Funded by CIA, The Dallas Morning News, 23 September 2010

EXCERPT: "The CIA has trained and bankrolled a well-paid force of elite Afghan paramilitary fighters to hunt al-Qaeda and the Taliban militants for the agency, according to current and former U.S. officials. Modeled after U.S. special forces, the Counterterrorist Pursuit Team was set up in the months following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2002...

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Germany to Withdraw Tornado Jets from Afghanistan, Send Trainers

GermanyGermany to Withdraw Tornado Jets from Afghanistan, M&C, 23 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Germany has ordered its six Tornado jet reconnaissance planes home from Afghanistan and is to deploy other military personnel there instead, the government said Thursday. The US commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), General David Petraeus, had previously urged Berlin to send 90 army personnel to Afghanistan in...

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First Partial Afghan Poll Results Released

, The Associated Press, 23 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghan officials released the first partial results from last week's parliamentary elections on Thursday amid mounting allegations of fraud in a poll seen as a test of the Afghan government's commitment to rooting out corruption. Saturday's vote was the first since a presidential election last year that was nearly derailed by widespread ballot-box...

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