Archives for 18 August 2009

Afghanistan: High Risk Humanitarianism

Afghanistan flag 'Afghanistan: High Risk Humanitarianism', IRIN News, 18 August 2009

EXCERPT: "Safe humanitarian space is contested terrain in Afghanistan, where the independence and impartiality of aid work comes under daily challenge in the country's ongoing conflict. 'We think we are independent and impartial. The only side we're taking here is the side of victims and the civilian community, and we hope people understand this,'...

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Wave Of Attacks Two Days Before Election

'', The New York Times, 18 August 2009

EXCERPT: "At least 10 people died in episodes of violence around the country in what seemed to be further indications of Afghanistan's precarious security situation just two days before presidential elections, with the area near the presidential palace coming under fire. 'We understand that two mortars or rockets ? as we call...

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How Opium Profits The Taliban

Gretchen Peters, '', United States Institute of Peace, 18 August 2009

EXCERPT: "In Afghanistan's poppy-rich south and southwest, a raging insurgency intersects a thriving opium trade. A new USIP report, How Opium Profits the Taliban, examines who are the main beneficiaries of the opium trade, how traffickers influence the Taliban insurgency as well as the politics of the region, and considers...

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Alternatives For Peace, Governance And Development

M. Nazif Shahrani, '', Centre for International Governance Innovation // Centre pour l'Innovation dans la Gouvernance Internationale, 13 August 2009

EXCERPT: "The policies of the United States and its international partners in Afghanistan during the past eight years have proven wrong-headed...

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