Critical Failures In Resourcing Afghan And Iraq Wars
11 August 2009
Erin K. Fitzgerald & Anthony H. Cordesman, '', Center for Strategic and International Studies, 6 August 2009
EXCERPT: "Effective war fighting requires effective planning, and this is especially true of resources. The United States, however, failed to develop meaningful long-term strategies and plans for most...
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US, NATO Deaths From Bombings Spike Sixfold
11 August 2009
'', The Associated Press, 11 August 2009
EXCERPT: "U.S. and NATO deaths from roadside and suicide bomb blasts in Afghanistan soared six-fold in July compared with the same month last year, as militants detonated the highest number of bombs of the eight-year war, figures released Tuesday showed. Last month 49 coalition troops died in bomb attacks, a more than six-fold increase from the...
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AIHRC-UNAMA First Joint Report On Elections
11 August 2009
'', Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, 9 August 2009
EXCERPT: "As part of the joint monitoring, UNAMA and the AIHRC are gathering information and investigating complaints on issues related to impediments to, or violations of, political...
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10,000 Tribesmen Hired To Secure Polls
11 August 2009
'', The Associated Press, 11 August 2009
EXCERPT: "Authorities have hired some 10,000 Afghan tribesmen to protect this month's presidential election, an Afghan official said Tuesday, raising the possibility that village militias could be enlisted to fight against the Taliban. The hired guns highlight attempts by authorities to bolster security in Afghanistan's insurgency-hit provinces...
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