02 May 2008
Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, 'A Fork in the Road in Afghanistan', Council on Foreign Relations, 2 May 2008
EXCERPT: "An April 27 assassination attempt on Afghan President Hamid Karzai offered a clear reminder of the security challenges confronting Afghanistan on its path to stability. But retired army Lt. Gen. David W. Barno, former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, says U.S. efforts in Afghanistan are at a fork in the road. Prior...
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Reconstructing Afghanistan: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08
02 May 2008
'', United Kingdom House of Commons International Development Committee, 24 April 2008
EXCERPT: "We fully support the continuing commitment of the UK Government, in partnership with the Government and people of Afghanistan, to help to bring peace and security to Afghanistan and to promote political reform and reconstruction and development....
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Afghan Migratory Strategies and the Three Solutions to the Refugee Problem
02 May 2008
Alessandro Monsutti, 'Afghan Migratory Strategies and the Three Solutions to the Refugee Problem', Refugee Studies Quarterly, 2008 Volume 2007, p. 58-73
EXCERPT: "The present article proposes three main theses: the normality of movements and the prior existence of transnational networks in and around Afghanistan; the resilience and inventiveness of the Afghan population, especially illustrated by the remittance system; the relevance...
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UNHCR and the Afghan Refugees in the Early 1980s: Between Humanitarian Action and Cold War Politics
02 May 2008
R?diger Sch?ch, 'UNHCR and the Afghan Refugees in the Early 1980s: Between Humanitarian Action and Cold War Politics', Refugee Studies Quarterly, 2008 Volume 27, p. 45-57
EXCERPT: "This article examines the UNHCR operation in Pakistan during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan as a case study for the tension between UNHCR's strictly humanitarian mandate and the diverging interests of states. After situating the Afghan refugee crisis...
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The Afghanistan Question
02 May 2008
Gabriela Perdomo, 'The Afghanistan Question', Angus Reid Global Monitor, 1 May 2008
EXCERPT: "Citizens of Western nations engaged in the war on terror are growing impatient with the lack of results. Call it the Iraq war effect. With no doubt left that the coalition effort to topple Saddam Hussein has turned to be the biggest military mess of our time, people in various Western nations with troops in Afghanistan are now turning their eyes...
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Linchpin In Afghan Security: A Better Police Force
02 May 2008
'Linchpin In Afghan Security: A Better Police Force', Christian Science Monitor, 2 May 2008
EXCERPT: "It took months to build the modest brick schoolhouse out here on the edge of these isolated flatlands, but only one night for militants to try to burn it down. When Afghan police accompanied US police advisers to investigate the next day, they learned the attackers had succeeded only in temporarily sabotaging the project, tying up a handful...
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Uncertainty After UN Afghan Food Aid Ends In July
02 May 2008
'Uncertainty After UN Afghan Food Aid Ends In July', Reuters, 1 May 2008
EXCERPT: "Struggling with food price rises of up to 100 percent, Afghans are beginning to benefit from U.N. food distribution this year, but the handouts end in July and no one is sure what will happen then, the U.N. said on Thursday [1 May 2008]. A U.N. appeal launched in January for $77 million for food for Afghanistan has been met and is expected to provide food...
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"Medicinal Opium" Calls Rejected
02 May 2008
'', The Press Association, 2 May 2008
EXCERPT: "A [British] Foreign Office minister has rejected calls for opium production for medicinal use to be legalised in Afghanistan. Lord Malloch-Brown said such a plan would be unworkable and fuel the illegal drugs industry because Afghanistan lacked the infrastructure and resources to control crops. He told the British Medical Journal legalising...
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02 May 2008
John D. McHugh, '"You build a school, then find propaganda against you"', The Guardian, 2 May 2008
EXCERPT: "In his third diary extract from Afghanistan, embedded photojournalist John D McHugh visits a coalition-built school which ends up being his home for the night. Walking into a village on an exposed road overlooked by high ground is no fun. The total absence of children, known to soldiers as a 'combat indicator,' certainly...
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02 May 2008
'Czech Govt Concealed Incident Before Vote On Afghanistan: CSSD MP', Ceske Noviny, 2 May 2008
EXCERPT: "The Czech government held back information on the incident in Afghanistan in which one soldier was killed and another four wounded before the vote on sending special troops to this country, opposition Social Democrat (CSSD) MP Lubomir Zaoralek told reporters today [2 May 2008]. Zaoralek, shadow foreign minister and lower house deputy...