Iran Urges UN Inquiry into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

12 April 2010

Iran Iran Urges UN Inquiry into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, BBC News, 12 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Iran's president has urged the UN to launch an investigation into the aims of Western military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The office of Secretary General Ban ki-Moon said that it was studying the letter from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but had no comment. Mr Ahmadinejad asked the UN to set up a fact-finding team. Tensions are growing over Iran's nuclear programme, and its rising anger at Washington's nuclear policy. The fact-finding team requested by Iran's president would investigate the intentions and results of Western military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. He said that, so far, the invasions had only victimised people in the region, and he declared that US and Nato methods of fighting terrorism had failed."

Read the full story.

Related article:
, The Washington Post, 12 April 2010

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  • Iran
  • United Nations

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