Archives for 11 September 2009

Repatriation To Afghanistan: Durable Solution Or Responsibility Shifting?

Susanne Schmeidl, '', Forced Migration Review, September 2009

EXCERPT: "UNHCR considers repatriation to Afghanistan as a sustainable part-solution to a protracted refugee situation. I doubt many Afghans would agree. Evidence suggests the opposite, with incidences of 'recycling', subsequent internal displacement and large numbers of refugees...

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Pakistani Taliban Build New Links With Al-Qaeda

Pakistan 'Pakistan: Taliban Leader Builds New Links With Al-Qaeda', Adnkronos International, 10 September 2009

EXCERPT: "On the eighth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Washington and London have signalled a shift in strategy in the South Asian war theatre stressing the need to talk to moderate Taliban leaders. They have also announced a major boost in military hardware to eliminate extremists, particularly in the Pakistani tribal areas, the...

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Taliban Present In 80% Of Afghanistan

ICOS 'Press Release: Eight Years After 9/11 Taliban Now Have A Permanent Presence In 80% Of Afghanistan', International Council on Security and Development (ICOS), 10 September 2009

EXCERPT: "The Taliban now have a permanent presence in 80% of Afghanistan, up from 72% in November 2008, according to a new map released today by the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS). According to ICOS, another 17% of Afghanistan...

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Iranian Weapons Cache Found In Afghanistan

'', AFP, 10 September 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghan security forces have found a cache of weapons manufactured in Iran but it remains unclear whether it indicates a renewed effort by Tehran to aid insurgents, the Pentagon said Thursday. The weapons seized last month in western Herat province included rockets, firing devices for bombs and powerful armor-piercing explosives known as explosively-formed...

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