Archives for 14 February 2008

France Mulls Greater Role in Afghanistan

'', Associated Press, 14 February 2008

EXCERPT: "In American military parlance, it's gut-check time for NATO in Afghanistan, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy appears ready to answer allies' calls for more forces to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida.As early as Thursday, Sarkozy's top brass is to present him with a variety of options, from sending special forces to more trainers for Afghan troops,...

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Germany to Debate New Afghanistan Mandate

Germanflag'Germany to Debate New Afghanistan Mandate', Reuters, 14 February 2008


EXCERPT: "Leading politicians from Germany's governing coalition will discuss a new parliamentary mandate for the country's troops in Afghanistan next week, sources close to the coalition said on Thursday. Germany has come under increasing pressure from NATO partners to step up its efforts in Afghanistan, where a parliamentary mandate limits...

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