Archives for 10 February 2009

Food Insecurity: The Problem That Never Went Away

Afghanistan 'Food Insecurity: The Problem That Never Went Away', EurasiaNet, 10 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Just as the United States is preparing for a massive reinforcement of its troops in Afghanistan, so too is the United Nations calling for a surge in humanitarian relief. Forty thousand people die every year in Afghanistan not from violence, but from the unnoticed collateral damage of war -- hunger and poverty. The number is 25 times higher...

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Afghan Women Struggle To Be Heard

Afghanistan Alisa Tang, 'Afghan Women Struggle To Be Heard', OneWorld // Ms. Magazine, 10 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Last September, Malalai Kakar, a police officer who headed the department of crimes against women in Kandahar -- the former Taliban stronghold in the south -- was fatally shot while on her way to work. Less than two months later, several girls were walking to school in Kandahar when two men on a motorbike sprayed them with acid....

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War In Afghanistan "Could Be Lost By Summer"

US 'War In Afghanistan "Could Be Lost By Summer"', The Telegraph, 10 February 2009

EXCERPT: "The assessment of Col John Nagl, who is consulting the US government as it conducts four separate policy reviews on Afghanistan, comes amid fears that unless the insurgents' advance is halted, Afghanistan will become the new president's Vietnam. Adm Mullen has said he expected to announce the deployment of a further 30,000...

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NATO Says Attacks On Afghan Drug Trade Up

NATO 'NATO Says Attacks On Afghan Drug Trade Up', Reuters UK, 10 February 2009

EXCERPT: "NATO has stepped up attacks on the Afghan drugs trade since allies agreed last year they could carry out direct strikes on traffickers, but individual nations are still able to opt out of the deal, a spokesman said. Under pressure from the United States, NATO allies agreed in Budapest last October to allow their soldiers to carry out direct...

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