Afghan Police Protect Voters Registering For Ballot
30 January 2009
'Afghan Police Protect Voters Registering For August Ballot', Calgary Herald, 30 January 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's national elections were delayed Thursday due to security concerns, but the man in charge of the country's embattled police force says officers will be ready to help protect would-be voters when they go to the polls this summer. Mohammad Hanif Atmar, Afghanistan's interior minister, admitted the country's...
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30 January 2009
'', The Associated Press, 30 January 2009
EXCERPT: "For Afghanistan, the United States has appropriated $32 billion for humanitarian aid and reconstruction while other nations have contributed an additional $25.3 billion, said a separate report released late Thursday by the office of Arnold Fields, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Congress recently approved...
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British Were "Smug and Complacent" In Afghanistan
30 January 2009
'"British Were Complacent In Afghanistan"', Times Online, 30 January 2009
EXCERPT: "Britain's top military commander has admitted for the first time that America was right to criticise the way in which British troops carried out counter-insurgency operations against the Taleban in southern Afghanistan when they first deployed to Helmand province in 2006. Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, the Chief of the Defence...
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Russia-NATO Agree On Afghan Routes
30 January 2009
'Russia-NATO Agree On Afghan Routes', The Moscow News, 30 January 200
EXCERPT: "Both Russian and NATO officials have confirmed that an offer of alternative transit to Afghanistan was in effect. Alternative transit routes to Afghanistan have gained particular urgency because routes through Pakistan, such as the Khyber Pass, have grown increasingly volatile with militant attacks. What was keeping the actual transit from becoming...
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