Archives for 16 July 2009

Opponents Seek To Deny Karzai First-Round Win

'', The Associated Press, 16 July 2009

EXCERPT: "Critics decry his government as corrupt and ineffectual, the economy is in the tank and the country is racked by an insurgency led by the very people he helped oust from power eight years ago. Nevertheless, President Hamid Karzai is the odds-on favorite to finish first in Afghanistan's Aug. 20 presidential election. The best scenario...

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54 Percent Of Canadians Oppose Afghan Mission

Canada '54 Percent Of Canadians Oppose Afghan Mission: Poll', CBC News, 16 July 2009

EXCERPT: "A slim majority of Canadians oppose the country's participation in the war in Afghanistan, with the strongest opposition coming from Quebec, an EKOS poll suggests. The poll, commissioned for the CBC and released Thursday, asked: 'Do you support or oppose Canadian military participation in Afghanistan?' Nationally, 54 per cent...

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Prisoners In Protest At Bagram Jail

'', The Washington Post, 16 July 2009

EXCERPT: "The prisoners at the largest U.S. detention facility in Afghanistan have refused to leave their cells for at least the past two weeks to protest their indefinite imprisonment, according to lawyers and the families of detainees. The prison-wide protest, which has been going on since at least July 1, offers a rare glimpse inside a facility that...

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Helicopter Shortage Hurting British Operations

UK 'Helicopter Shortage Hurts UK In Afghanistan: Report', Reuters, 16 July 2009

EXCERPT: "A shortage of helicopters is hurting British operations in Afghanistan, a report by a parliamentary committee said on Thursday, adding to pressure on the government to increase resources in the war zone. In a report whose publication was timed to coincide with a debate about the quality of British frontline troops' equipment, the Defence...

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