Afghanistan Sees Great White Hope in Marble Sector
21 April 2010
Afghanistan Sees Great White Hope in Marble Sector, Reuters, 21 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghan businessmen are confident that with new anti-corruption measures and foreign investment, they can carve out a lucrative industry from one of Afghanistan's most abundant natural resources: marble. Devastated by three decades of almost uninterrupted conflict, Afghanistan's crumbling infrastructure prevents many of its large mineral and gem deposits from...
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Audit Finds Poor Controls on Afghan Police Program
21 April 2010
Audit Finds Poor Controls on Afghan Police Program, The Huffington Post Investigative Fund, 19 April 2010
EXCERPT: "The private contractor that trains the Afghan police force, a U.S. military program long criticized for wasting money, has failed to document millions of dollars in expenses, according to a leading defense audit agency. A November 2009 audit by the Defense Contract Audit Agency, made public Friday by a Senate subcommittee...
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Australian SAS Nabs Taliban Commander
21 April 2010
Australian SAS Stealth Nabs Taliban Commander in Afghanistan, Herald Sun, 21 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Australian special forces troops from the Perth-based SAS Regiment and the Sydney-based Commando Regiment, along with Afghan police, netted Mullah Faqir and three other fighters north of Tarin Kowt. His capture on April 12 came just a few weeks after three other bomb makers including senior Taliban commander Mullah Janan Andewahl were...
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NATO Admits Four Killed Were Civilians
21 April 2010
NATO Admits Four Killed in Afghanistan Were Civilians, Not "Known Insurgents", Los Angeles Times, 21 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Western military officials on Wednesday acknowledged a case of mistaken identity in the killings of four Afghan civilians in eastern Afghanistan -- the second such lethal episode in just over a week. NATO had initially described two of the four occupants of a car that was fired on Monday night by troops...
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