Archives for 19 March 2008

Iraq Vet: US Needs To Focus On Afghanistan

US'Iraq Vet Says US Needs To Focus On Afghanistan', Deseret News, 19 March 2008

EXCERPT: "Christopher LeJeune spent a year in Iraq with the Utah Army National Guard in 2003-04 and came home, with a 60 percent disability because of post-traumatic stress disorder and hearing loss. He wanted to leave the military alone for a while. 'I was in a bad place,' the Taylorsville resident and father of four said. He came away from Iraq feeling like...

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Annual Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

'', United Nations Human Rights Council, February 2008

EXCERPT: "The present report, submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council decision 2/113, contains recommendations to address the situation described as well as ongoing human rights concerns raised in previous reports. Further, this report features highlights...

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Inmates Riot At High-Security Kabul Jail

Afghanistan'Inmates Riot At High-Security Kabul Jail', Reuters, 19 March 2008

EXCERPT: "Scores of prisoners rioted in a high-security Kabul jail and at least nine people were wounded in an exchange of gunfire as Afghan police tried to restore order, sources in two foreign aid agencies said on Wednesday [19 March 2008]. A part of the Pul-i-Charkhi prison had been taken over by the inmates who said they were being illegally confined despite a decree...

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