Archives for 18 January 2008

UN Afghan Drugs 'Action Plan' Released

United Nations'"Rainbow Strategy" for Afghanistan', UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 17 December 2007

ABSTRACT: "Countries affected by Afghanistan's opium cultivation have been urged to throw their support behind a range of programmes designed to reduce the supply, trafficking, and consumption of the world's deadliest drug.  At a recent two-day meeting of the Paris Pact in Vienna, UNODC outlined a series of measures to reduce...

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NATO Outsources Additional Airlift for Afghanistan

Natoflag 'NATO Outsources Additional Airlift for Afghanistan', Daily Star, 19 January 2008

EXCERPT: "NATO has awarded a contract to Mesopotamia Group LLC for additional airlift for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Joint Forces Command Brunssum, the mission's operational command, announced the contract, which is worth more than EUR26 million (USD37 million), on 20 December. [...] The outsourced aircraft...

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