Archives for 06 November 2008

Report Cites Afghans' Collusion In Attack

US 'Report Cites Afghans' Collusion In Attack',

EXCERPT: "A U.S. military report released today said at least two local Afghan officials were believed to have colluded in a July attack by insurgents on a remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan that killed nine U.S. soldiers. The intense, hours-long assault by an estimated 200 Taliban fighters, in which the lightly manned outpost was nearly overrun, represented the largest single...

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Airstrikes In Afghanistan Increase 31 Percent

Afghanistan 'Airstrikes In Afghanistan Increase 31 Percent', USA Today, 6 November 2008

EXCERPT: "Air missions to back U.S. troops on the ground have increased by 31% in Afghanistan this year, as fighting in the country spreads. The growing reliance on air power raises the risk of injuring civilians and their property and reflects a shortage of ground forces needed to protect civilians and root out insurgents, ground commanders and military...

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NATO Is Set To End Its Hands Off Policy On The Heroin Trade

NATO 'Poppy Problems',, 6 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The product is hidden in transport trucks, hauled on the back of donkeys and finally spirited through villages that straddle Afghanistan's northern border. Being part of the world's largest heroin industry certainly has its benefits but the work, says one Afghan drug smuggler, is no walk in the park. To move narcotics from Afghanistan's Pashtun belt - where Canadian...

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Canada Won't Rethink 2011 Afghanistan Pullout After Obama Win: Cannon

Canada 'Canada Won't Rethink 2011 Afghanistan Pullout After Obama Win: Cannon', CBC News, 5 November 2008

EXCERPT: "The election of a new U.S. president who has vowed to deploy thousands more troops into Afghanistan won't cause Canada to reconsider its decision to pull out of the country by 2011, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Wednesday. The United States already has 36,000 troops in Afghanistan, and Barack Obama...

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